Function & Advantage of Spring Shut Off Nozzle

Author: AdminSource: Time: 2020-04-25 Hits: 4879


Spring Shut Off Nozzle offers easiest & most economic solution for injection leakage of high flow index polymers processing like PA, and can benefit in below ways

- Easiest replacement of free flow open nozzle, internal spring controlled nozzle requires no addtional technology and equipment, which can apply on basically any types of ready machine

- Economic for choice due to high efficiency but simple structure design

- Save product cost by saving every drop of plastic, less leakage, less waste and less cost for sure

- Applicable for micro-foaming injection situation

However it do also have some side-effect or disadvantage

- Compare to free flow open nozzle, it will have slight pressure loss and require higher injection pressure

- As the shut off & open of flow channel is controlled only by internal spring, which is drived by injection pressure, it will not able to control precisely the shut off timing, which may not appliable for some sychronizing situation for shorten injection cycle time